Joint stock companies and branch offices
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Supreme body; anual general meeting of shareholders of a society should be lead within five months after the termination of fiscal year; etraordinary general meeting shareholders is convoked under the initiative of Board of directors, the large shareholder

Controls; the general  management of activity of a society carries out Board of directors in the quantitative and personal structure, elected by general meeting of shareholders for the period of 5 years; chairman of the Board of directors  Mekesh Zh.Utin

 The agency of a society is individual on behalf of the President of the society elected by Board of directors for the period of 5 years, President of the Company Amangeldy D.Yermegiayev

Vice-Presidents – Almas A.Soltangazin,  Serik B.Kereibaev

The executive staff is formed by the president of the company

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